Thursday 18 January 2018

Our Adventures through Storm Ophelia and the Aftermath

It was a frightful night. Wind and rain howled round the garden and the whole area. This first sign of something wrong was when we looked out the window and saw that the tree across the road was a mere stump. It soon became obvious that the whole tree had come down and into our garden totally blocking the driveway and the road that runs past the house. However it was not long before the neighbours rallied and there were two tractors, 3 chain saws and 8 men working to clear the debris. I will never forget their help that day. We all worked through the wind and rain to clear the road so the milk lorry could pass and happily we did,

The biggest problem that day and continued for the next 8 days was the lack of electricity. The power went down quite quickly as Ophelia took hold. For 8 long days we had no lights, no power, no running water as the pump is electric. It was like being in the Dark Ages. We had a wood burner on which we boiled an old kettle for drinks and cooked our food.

The electricity problem was not to be solved as easily as the tree. The lines had been broken in 4 places and because the area was not as populated as the towns we were not early on the list to be repaired. It took 8 long days before power was returned.

What a day that was! No more boring the kettle for a wash in the mornings. No more using a cup of bottled water to brush our teeth.

The first thing I did was have a shower and a proper cup of coffee!!

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